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山东新煤机械装备集团是生产煤矿成套设备的专业厂家之一 , 集团主要由九个成员、子公司组成(包括:山东赛诺机电设备科技有限公司、山东泓泽支护设备有限公司、山东凯瑞矿山设备制造有限公司、山东新煤纳伟科输送设备科技有限公司、山东英伟森新能源科技有限公司、拉萨经济技术开发区新煤工贸有限公司、山东新煤格林尼泵业科技有限公司、山东新煤矿山工程有限公司、山东新煤普瑞达物流有限公司),集团专注于煤矿支护、运输、动力、煤炭地质开采、新能源、海洋渔业、农业机械设备等专用设备的研发和制造, 是中国矿大科研合作单位、山东大学教学实习基地、山东省煤矿特种支架工程技术研究中心、省级企业技术中心、山东省矿用无线电液控系统工程实验室,建立了中国工程院院士新煤装备工作站。
Shandong Xinmei Machinery Equipment Group Profile
Shandong Xinmei Machinery Equipment Group is one of the manufacturers specialized in the production of complete sets of equipment in coal mine, the group has nine members, subsidiaries (including: Shandong sai nuo mechanical and electrical equipment technology co., LTD., Shandong Hongze supporting equipment co., LTD., Shandong Kairui mining equipment manufacturing co., LTD., Shandong Xinmei Naweike conveying equipment technology co., LTD., Shandong Yingweisen new energy technology co., LTD., the Lhasa economic and technological development zone Xinmei industry &trade co., LTD., Shandong Xinmeil Greene pump industry technology co., LTD., Shandong Xinmeil mine engineering co., LTD., Shandong Xinmei Puruida logistics co., LTD.), the group focused on the support of coal mine, transportation, power, coal mining, new energy, Marine fishery, agricultural machinery and equipment and other specialized equipment research and development and manufacturing, is China's mine scientific research units, specialty practice teaching base of Shandong university, Shandong coal mine support engineering technology research center, the provincial enterprise technology center, Shandong radio hydraulic control system for mine engineering laboratory, Chinese academy of engineering of Xinmei equipment station is established.
公司座落在雄伟美丽的泰山脚下, 深受孔孟文化的熏陶和影响, 人们纯本善良,热情好客。公司占地28万平方米,总资产15亿元,年生产能力20亿元。
The company is located at the foot of the magnificent and beautiful mount tai, deeply influenced by the culture of Confucius and mencius. People are pure and kind and hospitable.The company covers an area of 280000 square meters, total assets of 1.5 billion yuan, annual production capacity of 2 billion yuan.
The company has set up mount Tai design institute in mount tai, which has Beijing research institute in Beijing, and has continuously developed and perfected the products such as supports, transportation equipment and explosion-proof electric appliances.The company has established a perfect market network with more than 20 sales offices and an international business department.Has the product agency in Beijing (Beijing China coal hengye supplies co., LTD.)
The group company is the director unit of China coal machinery association;It is rated as "double top enterprise" by the coal industry association;Single hydraulic prop and emulsion pump products are rated as "Shandong famous brand products";Is "national high-tech enterprise";Is the Shandong province "heavy contract keeping credit" enterprise;Bank AAA credit enterprise;"Garden enterprise";Having the right to export the coal mine equipment;Awarded as the national coal machinery industry excellent enterprise;Won the Shandong star enterprise and other honors.
公司于2002年通过lS09001 -2000质量体系认证, 2009年通过lS014001--2004环境管理体系和GB/T28001 --2001职业健康安全管理体系认证;所产产品被中国煤炭机械工业协会授予“煤矿机电放心产品”。
The company passed ls09001-2000 quality system certification in 2002, and passed ls014001-2004 environmental management system and GB/ t28001-2001 occupational health and safety management system certification.The products are awarded by the China coal machinery industry association.
多年来,公司坚持高起点、始终瞄准煤机前沿技术, 实施差异化战略,注重开发环保产品,突破了一个个高科技难关, 走出了一条独具特色的发展道路。不断创新, 开发了一系列具有自主产权的科技含量高的新产品,填补了国内多项空白。
For many years, insist on a high starting point, the company has always aimed at coal cutting edge technology, implement differentiation strategy, pay attention to environmental protection product development, break through the technology difficulties, out of a unique development path.Continuous innovation, developed a series of high technology content of new products with independent property rights, fill in several blanks in domestit.
The company is enterprising, diligently applying new technology, developing new products, now has more than 50 national patents, an international patent;More than 300 varieties and specifications of products obtained "security certificate and production license", in the same industry among the top.
公司建立了完善的服务体系: 售前帮助客户选型, 提供成套采煤装备方案,售中为用户培训操作人员,售后指导用户安装调试, 全程为用户提供一条龙保姆式超值服务, 深受广大用户欢迎和称赞。
Company established a perfect service system: pre-sale help customers selection, to provide complete sets of mining equipment, sale for user training operators, after-sale installation guide users, through to provide users with one-stop nanny premium services, which are very popular with the masses of users and praise.
The company's products sell well in 22 provinces, cities and autonomous regions, and many small and medium-sized coal mines, with wide coverage and export to Vietnam, Turkey and other countries and regions.
The company's philosophy of "rather than sell, not fail", won the praise of the majority of users.

公司宗旨:“宁可不卖, 不许失败”
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版权所有:山东新煤机械装备集团  地址:山东省新泰市新汶工业园中兴路 公司办电话:0538-7333335 市场部:15715488915  传真:0538-7333335 鲁ICP备06018811号
[设计维护] 泰安开创世纪信息技术有限公司